Is it permissible to trim beard?

YES guys,hey beard bro it's absolutely OK Acceptably to trim your beard.

------------trimming or shaving which is good---------------

Hello boys, thought off trying a new look this time! But Confused How?                                                Don't worry dudes, I will be guiding you Is it Best to trim or shave beard. Want to look MORE ATTRACTIVE stay tuned with me let's surprise your friends.  

alt="|Trim Beard|Smart|Shave for Men|Shave blade|Trim vs shave beard|Trimmer|Trim or Shave|"


Well I would like to start with some simple Questions, cool guys I known you are feed up off answering tons of Questions from childhood in classes. Chill dudes it's just about you:-

1) Do you have Pimples/Acne on your face?                                                                                           

2) Do you have a patchy beard?                                                                                                         

3)Looking for a glowing skin,clear skin?                                                                                          

4)How much time do you have to get-ready instantly?   

--------how to trim beard properly---------

  • Do you have Pimples/Acne on your face?                                                                                                 I understand guys we all love playing sweat out on ground,but unknowingly because of our some daily skin routine may lead to Acne/Pimples Right?     

"|Trim Beard|Pimple|Shave for Men|Acne|Trim or shave beard|Trimmer|Trim or Shave razor|"

For you guys to look attractive, best advice I love to give is get rid off Pimples bro, no other way dudes.Have a look on you with a selfie,would you look good with a bump on your cheeks.It's just a matter of spending few minutes to follow some proper skin care routine.

One of them is SAY NO TO SHAVE yeah boys, just imagine with a blades you are actually rupturing on pimples,dudes that's the big mistake you are just making more damage to your face leading to dark-spots,mini bumps,irritations guys.                                                                                    

Yes guys, at this age your youthful facially skin is so sensitive just by having a dirty hand filled with dirt and bacteria when on your face,overnight leading to bump|Pimple|Acne| on your face,that sensitive it is. So you guys please say no to shave,it's very advisable to use Trimmer to shape your beard.Proper usage of trimmer doesn't over grow\affect your pimple.              

----------Is it best to trim or shave----------

  • Do you have a patchy beard?                                                                                                                    Hey boy's it's better for you have a decent professional look with patchy beard Shave or Trim it off completely guys. Try it out once instead of having some irregular patches hair growth of your face, remove it completely you look really better.                                                                                              
    alt="|Trim Beard|Smart|Shave for Men|Shave blade|Trim vs shave beard|Trimmer|Trim or Shave|"

Has you are  looking more anxiety I have another option which I could give you and that's:-                 

Let it grow yeah,you heard it right cool happy guys but when?                                                               In your summer/Lock-down 2 to 3 months holidays at this time don't let any blades go on your face.Let's check this time in holidays,have some eager patience guys,don't worry let it grow irregularly.I also have a trick for you guys to have a full beard to bring that proper definition and make your face look beautiful.    

--------Mustache trim with beard--------

  • Looking for a glowing skin,clear skin?                                                                                                    Hello handsome after a long time, you finally cleared your face completely looking stunning dude. 

alt="|Trim Beard|Smart|Shave for Men|Shave blade|Trim vs shave beard|Trimmer|Trim or Shave|"

Yes it obvious if you remove hair completely. The skin under-neath will have very glowing,shinning clear skin.To nourish this better guys by shaving them it removes the hair deeper gives you much more depth to look smarter.  

------|Men's Fashion |grooming beard|----

  • How much time do you have to get-ready instantly?                                                                              Hey Hi bro, good-morning ran out off your weekend,woke up late, now hurrying up in getting ready,yeah?common dude make it fast time's up!                                                                                      
    alt="|Trim Beard|Smart|Shave for Men|Shave blade|Trim vs shave beard|Trimmer|Trim or Shave|"

For you guys my sincere advice would be use Trimmer instead having a Shave just have a look at this guys.                               

alt="|Trim Beard|Smart|Shave for Men|Shave blade|Trim vs shave beard|Trimmer|Trim or Shave|"

Got it, even though you are used to it shaving from year's together. Comparatively having a shave really take's time dude. Have a try this time with a Trimmer you will realize it.                                      

Hey last thing please don't curse me for not having your trimmer charged.


  1. Trimmer Works well . But the razar needs regular replacements for people with thicker beard in short duration of time.

    1. Hey Audra, it's good to see your response thank you,we do agree & consider your point.


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