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  • When we go to watch a Movie we sit quit comfortably for 2 to 3 hrs Right?
  • Why is that even this way 2 to 3 hrs, When it comes to meditation even 15 minutes seems to be a struggle.

So obviously this is not purely physical inability to sit, YES make yourself comfortable has much you can. Has we know meditation is not about torture. 

  • Certainly de-comfort, if you can't sit on ground use sofa or a chair. 
  • Has you sit on a chair now notice this Twitchiness, Itchiness, Pain in the body is not because of your physical pain. It's your mind not wanting to change your habit pattern.

Imagine when you enter Kitchen where your mother is cooking Dosa and once she is finished making this, and transfers vessels to wash-basin for washing it Right? Common imagine it!
At this moment when a cool drop of water is made to fall on this panel, what do you see? huh huh good!
Suddenly you see water's sizzling effect Right! Why?
 The hot pan did't like the cool water, when same is made to follow up again again and again slowly the water's sizzling sound reduces.
What happened? The temperature of the Water slowly Equals to the Hot Panel.

 In the same way our Mind is very Hot. Hot with Wanting, wanting, and Not wanting, not wanting with confusions.
  • Basically Wanting, Not Wanting and Not knowing are three Poisson of our Mind.
  • Has and when your Mind didn't like it. So there is Irritation, Sense of pain in the body.This is not your physical inability sit. 
  • This is because of your inner storm that's going on, cool that's a good thing.
  • You can even move your legs, the moment you feel the pain in your body is soo more that you can't focus in meditation.
  • Change your posture slowly consciously and go back to meditation.

It's like this:-
Instead Of your Body Ruling You. It should be your Sole, your Inner Being, Inner Knowing, Inner Wisdom Rules. And this is were the true happiness comes from.

In life we also experience some unpleasant too. Where meditation helps and trains to overcome this. It act's like economist for having balance in mind.

Remember the more you sit does not mean you are a better mediator. 
The main point is the Quality of the Attention not the Quantity of the Time you are sitting.


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